2011. 12. 10.

What is Francesco moser's bikes decals '15.151' means?

1984년 1월 모져는 2개의 기록을 수립했는데 그의 첫번째 기록이자 UCI 레코드 2번째 기록은 1시간동안 51.151km를 달린 기록이다. 이것은 첫번째로 기록된 디스크 휠의 사용이다.(이는 에어로다이나믹 효과를 가능케 했다.) 모져의 기록은 몇가지 이유로 논란이 되었는데 그의 코치인 닥터 프란체스코 콘코니는 수혈과 EPO를 이용했었다. 콘코니는 모져가 수혈을 받는것을 동의 했는데 그 당시에는 그런것들이 금지되지 않았다고 한다.

In January 1984, Moser set two records, the second being 51.151 km (31.784 mi). This was the first noted use of disc wheels, which provided aerodynamic benefit. Moser's record is disputed for another reason: at the time he was coached by Dr Francesco Conconi, a proponent of doping such as blood transfusions and EPO. Conconi agreed that Moser had used blood transfusions, not banned at the time.

Below is UCI Hour recore-holders

Example UCI Hour record-holders, with equipment description[2][3]
DateRiderAgeVelodromeDistance (km)Equipment
25 October 1972Eddy Merckx27Mexico City49.431drop handlebar/round steel tubing frame/wire spokes
23 January 1984Francesco Moser32Mexico City51.151bull-horn handlebar/oval steel tubing frame/disk wheels
17 July 1993Graeme Obree27Vikingskipet, Hamar, Norway51.596Graeme Obree-style "praying mantis" handlebar/round steel tubing frame/carbon tri-spoke wheels
23 July 1993Chris Boardman24Velodrome du Lac, Bordeaux52.270triathlon handlebar/carbon airfoil tubing frame/carbon 4-spoke wheels
15 January 1994Francesco Moser42Mexico City51.840Graeme Obree-style "praying mantis" handlebar/chest-pad on top frame/wheels unknown - UCI VETERAN's RECORD
27 April 1994Graeme Obree28Velodrome du Lac, Bordeaux52.713Graeme Obree-style "praying mantis" handlebar/round steel tubing frame/carbon tri-spoke wheels
2 September 1994Miguel Indurain30Velodrome du Lac, Bordeaux53.040wide triathlon handlebar/carbon monocoque aero frame/disk wheels
22 October 1994Tony Rominger33Velodrome du Lac, Bordeaux53.832triathlon handlebar/oval steel tubing frame/disk wheels
5 November 1994Tony Rominger33Velodrome du Lac, Bordeaux55.291triathlon handlebar/oval steel tubing frame/disk wheels
6 September 1996Chris Boardman28Manchester, UK56.375Graeme Obree "superman-style" handlebar/carbon monocoque aero frame/5-spoke front & rear disk wheels

From Wikipedia.

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